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  • add - Adds changes in the local repository to the staging area at the given path.
  • branch - Creates a new branch in the local repository at the given path.
  • checkout - Checks out a branch or commit in the local repository at the given path.
  • clone - Clones a Git repository from the given URL to the specified path.
  • commit - Commits the staged changes in the local repository with the given commit message.
  • diff - Retrieves the diff of changes for a specific commit in the local repository.
  • init - Initializes a new Git repository at the given path.
  • logs - Retrieves the commit logs for the local repository at the given path.
  • pull - Pulls the latest changes from the remote repository to the local repository at the given path.
  • push - Pushes local repository changes to the remote repository at the given path.
  • status - Retrieves the status of the local repository at the given path.