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Codebolt AI Agent Framework API


  • Browser - The browser module provides functions for interacting with the browser.
  • Cbstate - This is a state module that gives the current state. The state is being continuously updated by the application based on various actions.
  • Chat - This has various chat related functionalities where the agent can send chat to user and get the user response
  • CodeParsers - This is a module that parses the code and returns the code tree.
  • CodeUtils - This is a module that provides various utilities for parsing and manipulating code.
  • Crawler - This is a module that crawls the web and returns the crawled data.
  • DbMemory - This is a module that provides memory based database functionalities.
  • Debug - This is a module that provides various debug functionalities.
  • DocUtils - This is a module that provides various utilities for parsing and manipulating markdown.
  • Fs - This is a module that provides various file system functionalities.
  • Git - This is a module that provides various git functionalities.
  • Knowledge - This is a module that provides various knowledge related functionalities.
  • LLM - This is a module that provides various LLM related functionalities.
  • OutputParsers - This is a module that parses the output and returns the output tree.
  • Project - This is a module that provides various project related functionalities.
  • Rag - This is a module that provides various RAG related functionalities.
  • Search - This is a module that provides various search related functionalities.
  • TaskPlanner - This is a module that provides various task planner related functionalities.
  • Terminal - Handle Terminal Related Functionalities like Running Commands and Getting Output. Supports handling multiple terminals and long running code executions like Servers.
  • Tokenizer - Tokenization related Functionalities are provided so that the code can be tokenized and the tokens can be used to perform and measure various operations.
  • VectorDB - Provides Vector DB related Functionalities for Storing and Managing of Vector Embedding