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codebolt.dbmemory.addKnowledge(key: string, value: any): Promise<MemorySetResponse>
Adds a key-value pair to the in-memory database.


keystringThe key under which to store the value.
valueanyThe value to be stored.


A promise that resolves with the response from the memory set event.


// Add a key-value pair to the in-memory database with the key "UserID" and the value "admin"
await codebolt.dbmemory.addKnowledge("UserID", "admin")

// Add a key-value pair to the in-memory database with the key "Password" and the value "Test@123"
await codebolt.dbmemory.addKnowledge("Password", "Test@123")


Adding a key-value pair to an in-memory database involves storing a specific piece of information (value) that can be retrieved later using a unique identifier (key).

Key: A unique identifier, typically a string, that is used to reference the data.

Value: The actual data or information that you want to store. This can be any type of data, such as a number, a string, an object, etc.