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codebolt.terminal.executeCommand(command: string): Promise< >
Executes a given command and returns the result. Listens for messages from the WebSocket that indicate the output, error, or finish state of the executed command and resolves the promise accordingly.


commandstringThe command to be executed.


 Promise< Promise< >>
A promise that resolves with the command's output, error, or finish signal.


// The codebolt.terminal.executeCommand function is likely used to execute a command in the terminal and retrieve the result.

const cmd = await codebolt.terminal.executeCommand("npm i nodemon");


The codebolt.terminal.executeCommand function takes a single parameter, which is the command you want to execute in the terminal. It returns the result of the command execution. It has one parameter.

command (string): The command to be executed in the terminal. In this case, the command is "npm i nodemon", which installs the nodemon package using npm.