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click string): Promise<unknown>
Clicks on a specified element on the page.


elementidstringThe ID of the element to click.


A promise that resolves when the click action is complete.


// Using Codebolt's browser API, you can interact with elements on a web page.
// For example, let's say there's a button with the ID "test" on the page.
// You can use Codebolt's browser API to click on this button.

// First, let's imagine there's a button with the ID "test" on the web page.
// <button id="test">Click me</button>

// Now, you want to use Codebolt's browser API to click on this button.

// The syntax for clicking an element with a specific ID using Codebolt's browser API is:
// await"elementSelector")

// In this case, the element selector is "#test" because we are targeting an element with the ID "test".

// Putting it all together:"#test");


Browser Click function is used to click on the browser by selecting specific elementId.

A browser is a used to access and display web pages. When a browser is open, users can interact with various elements on web pages, such as buttons, links, forms, and images.