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codebolt.browser.enter(): Promise<unknown>
Simulates the Enter key press on the current page.


A promise that resolves when the Enter action is complete.


// Navigate to the sign-in page
await codebolt.browser.goToPage("");

// Fill in the username field
await codebolt.browser.type("#username", "your_username");

// Fill in the password field
await codebolt.browser.type("#password", "your_password");

// Simulate pressing the Enter key to submit the form
await codebolt.browser.enter();


The codebolt.browser.enter() function is used to submit the form. Suppose there is a login form and I want to automatically submit it using a script. Then, we want to send text to a username field on the login page using the type() function, which has two parameters: eventid and "value". After inputting all the information, we call enter() to submit the form.